How TCM Helps Relief Digital Eye Strain and Dry Eye Syndrome

Digital eye strain refers to a collection of eye and vision issues that arise from prolonged use of digital devices. Symptoms can range from itching, tearing, dryness and redness in the eyes to feelings of fatigue and discomfort. Difficulty in focusing may also be experienced.

The prevalence of these problems has been on the rise, especially with increased use of computers, smartphones and e-readers. Both adults and children commonly experience symptoms, making digital eye strain a widespread occurrence in today's tech-centric world.

What causes Digital Eye Strain?

Several factors can cause digital eye strain, such as:

  • Screen glare

  • Poor lighting

  • Poor posture while using a computer

  • Viewing a computer at the wrong distance and angle

  • Uncorrected vision problems

  • A combination of many of these factors

People often blink less when using a computer than when having a conversation. This can cause dry eyes and contribute to digital eye strain[1].

Signs of Digital Eye Strain

signs of digital eye strain

Common signs and symptoms of digital eye strain, typically impacting both eyes, can include:

  • A stinging, burning, or scratchy feeling in your eyes

  • Stringy mucus in or around the eyes

  • Photosensitivity

  • Redness in the eyes

  • Foreign body sensation in your eyes

  • Challenges with wearing contact lenses

  • Issues with night-time driving

  • Watery eyes, a natural response to the irritation caused by dry eyes

  • Blurred vision or eye fatigue

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye disease is a common condition where your tears fail to sufficiently lubricate your eyes. This insufficiency can be due to various reasons, such as a lack of tear production or the production of poor-quality tears. Poor quality tears can lead to inflammation and damage to the eye's surface.

Having dry eyes can be uncomfortable, causing sensations like stinging or burning. It's common to experience dry eyes in specific situations, such as during air travel, in air-conditioned environments, while biking or after prolonged staring at a computer screen.

Complications of Dry Eye Syndrome

Individuals may encounter the following complications:

  1. Eye infections: Since tears function to safeguard the eyes from infections, a lack of tears can elevate the risk of eye infections.

  2. Damage to the eye surface: Untreated severe dry eyes might result in inflammation, abrasion of the corneal surface, corneal ulcers and potential vision loss.

  3. Reduced quality of life: Dry eyes can pose challenges in performing everyday tasks, like reading off a device, thus affecting overall quality of life.

How does Digital Eye Strain Contribute to Dry Eye Syndrome?

  1. Blue Light Exposure: Blue light is emitted by the sun, indoor lighting and digital devices with screens. It was found that blue light exposure can damage cells on the surface of the eyes and shade offers protection against this damage[2].

  2. Infrequent Blinking: Insufficient blinking during screen use can contribute to dry eyes. When we focus on text or images on a digital screen, our blink rate decreases by 66%. Blinking is crucial for maintaining healthy and comfortable eyes, as it cleans the ocular surface and provides lubrication. Reduced blinking leads to more irritation and dryness, emphasising the importance of regular blinking for eye health.

  3. Incomplete Blinking: Incomplete blinking occurs when the top and bottom eyelids don't fully meet, leaving part of the eye's surface uncovered. This incomplete blink can diminish the quality of the lipid layer in the tear film, potentially resulting in dry eye syndrome.

How is Dry Eye Syndrome diagnosed?

With the help of a thorough eye exam and a health history, your eye care professional will diagnose you for dry eye syndrome. They will determine whether your symptoms could be exacerbated by any medical conditions, medications or outside influences.

Your eye care professional may perform tests to measure your vision's sharpness and the coordination and focus of your eyes. Dilation (enlarge) of your pupils might be necessary in order to conduct a more thorough examination. After that, they will examine the back of your eye with an instrument called an ophthalmoscope. Lastly, you might occasionally require additional blood testing in order to verify concurrent medical issues.

Preventing Digital Eye Strain and Dry Eyes

Digital Eye Strain: Improve your workspace to lessen the risk of digital eye strain. See your eye care professional for a checkup as recommended or at least once a year if you wear glasses or corrective lenses.

Dry Eye:

  1. Avoid air blowing in your eyes

  2. Add moisture to the air through the use of a humidifier

  3. Take regular vision breaks during long tasks

  4. Stop smoking and avoid second-hand smoke

  5. Use artificial tears regularly

Discovering Relief for Digital Eye Strain and Dry Eyes

  • Check with your eye doctor about the potential benefits of blue light blocking glasses

  • Make a conscious effort to blink regularly and fully

  • Adopt the 20-20-20 rule—every 20 minutes of device use, take a 20-second break to focus on an object at least 20 feet away

  • Adjust your monitor or device settings to minimise glare, or use a blue light filter

  • Consult your dry eye optometrist for a personalised treatment plan for lasting relief

TCM Treatment for Digital Eye Strain and Dry Eyes

TCM Acupuncture

Acupuncture is the conductor orchestrating increased blood circulation around your eyes. This surge of blood brings along nutrients and oxygen, and revitalises the area around the eyes.

Those minuscule needles have a secret power – they're inflammation pacifiers. By targeting key points, acupuncture helps dial down inflammation, soothing your eyes in the process.

There are several specific points on the face that an acupuncture practitioner may use to help treat dry eye. Here are names of some of the acupuncture points linked to dry eye treatment:

  • Jingming 睛明(BL1)

  • Cuanzhu 攒竹(BL2)

  • Yangbai 阳白(GB 14)

  • Fengchi 风池(GB 20)

  • Guangming 光明(GB 37)

  • Hegu 合谷(LI 4)

  • Tàichōng 太冲(LR 3)

  • Sanyinjiao 三阴交(SP 6)

  • Chengqi 承泣(ST1)

  • Sìbái 四白(ST2)

  • Sizhukong 丝竹空(TE23)

  • Taiyang 太阳(Ex-HN5 or EXTRA1)

Herbal Formulas

herbal formulas for dry eye

Herbs like chrysanthemum blossoms have a soothing effect on the liver and promote clear vision, making them a remedy for dry, swollen or painful eyes. Additionally, they prove beneficial for individuals dealing with high blood pressure.

Goji berries contribute to kidney and liver health, offering support for eyesight by alleviating symptoms like dizziness, blurred vision and reduced visual acuity. Goji berries also contain a high amount of zeaxanthin which is able to protect our eye tissues from sunlight damage[3].

As with any loose tea, steep the chrysanthemum flowers, and then add a tiny handful of goji berries to the finished beverage. After drinking the tea, you can consume the berries.

Common TCM: Improve Eye Health at Registered TCM Clinic in Singapore

Traditional Chinese Medicine clinics have long employed traditional methods to enhance eye health. Through personalised TCM treatments like acupuncture and herbal formulas, these clinics offer effective solutions for digital eye strain and other ocular issues.

Embracing the holistic approach of TCM treatment not only addresses symptoms, but also promotes overall wellness to ensure sustained eye comfort in the current digital age. Whether you're suffering from dry eye syndrome or seeking preventive care, experience the time-tested benefits of TCM treatment by booking a session at Common TCM clinic in Singapore. Embark on your journey to healthier eyes and better quality of life!